I want to take this moment to share the life of being a young mother attending college for the first time. Around January of 2019, I found out I was 7 weeks pregnant, but I was still a junior at Ripley High School. I struggled the first few weeks with depression because I thought my life was over. But May of 2020 came, and I realized I had to stay on top of my game so I could graduate high school. Throughout my high school years, I maintained a 3.995 GPA and graduated top 10 of my class. My academic level was beyond the stars which brought more spectacular offers for college. The teachers always bragged and spoke on how much they were impressed with my skills and knowledge. Although tough times came along my path, I always stayed on top.

Throughout the years of high school, I still wondered after I graduated, “what will I do”. I found myself giving my best effort to attend college and further my career preference. Since preschool, I have constantly said I will be a teacher in the future. I never doubted my dream job one bit, but when the storms came within my life, everything seemed to be over. The best way to get through my storm was to remember to keep your mind on your goals in life. My favorite teacher always said, “I believe you can anything because you are capable of great things.” 

Once the storms are over and the sun comes out, you can finally say I have won. The game can play you if you don’t learn how to play the game. Stay ahead in life so you will be prepared for anything that comes your way.